Thanks to Petra and Neil and Harold, I met Remy Charlip today. Founding member of the Merce Cunningham Dance Co, hee created air mail dances. He writes children's books abut when octopi marry. And he lives in an old red brick building, a sunny assisted living facility near my place. When we went into his apartment, there were glossy black and white photos of famous dancers arrayed on tables with drawings of whimsical bodies, buildings and clouds. On the sofa and on a crimson blanket. A perfect ending, for me, after Thom Donovan's commoning at Nonsite. (Thank you Thom! Here is what I wrote that I did not share at the table, on your commons prompt:
empty and floating, the commons as weighted by sparse objects ___which bodies get to drift in and out___key preposition is by____ circuitry
folded in___if suddenly everyone's bones were so heavy as to lean against the inner edges of tubes skins___this feeling is actually knowledge, that shifts subjects, common

Remy Charlip drawing.
Octopi think with their arms, Wikipedia tells me. (I could have arrived at that knowledge on my own and explored some movement to get there, or known it outside of the fact of it, in other language--that may be the one real problem with Wikipedia. Discovery dependency.)
And, in other news, the new issue of Monday Night with my Scars piece--and a octopus!