Jovan becomes enamored of the Douglas Fir of his youth.
I try not be a total eco-downer and point out my disdain for getting a tree, a dead tree. He appreciates this.
But he walks away from the Douglas.
And then he falls in love with idea of a real, potted, tabletop fir!
He settles on a Norfolk Deco, which actually grows year-round in FL.
Our first Christmas in Florida! The tree gets a ride on the lobby cart.
He bought ornaments weeks ago and squirreled them away in the closet. Which means I cannot make a steampunk courtesan themed tree, but I am still charmed by this hidden stash of decorations.
He confesses he has never actually seen a Charlie Brown Christmas, so is just pretending to get my references.
He lets me glitter most of the ornaments.
He puts a tiny one in our bedroom.
Jan Van Swearingen--artist, collector-extraordinaiire, vendor of fine smelling things, sends me the most amazing package with stuff I did not know I absolutely needed. Letter tattoos for my alt. burlesque photo project, inter-species love, owl soap, and an edible Advent calendar are just of few of the times. How is it that I, Joseph-Cornell-freak, have never had an Advent shadowbox before. When all the chocolate days have been eaten, I am going to re-tool it with paint and glitter and other little things for next year.
Our roommate from San Francisco, Aaron Araki, sent us the most gorgeous cursive letter. Aaron, Jovan read the otter to me while I cooked dinner. I miss coming into our little kitchen in the morning and seeing you at your skillet. Or hearing you rehearse songs in your room. "Oh, Bacon, why did we leave Bacon?" I wailed, as Jovan read.

Mo Pertik, a new friend I randomly met at my nearby cafe during a Jungian art show, brought me a necklace from the Amazon, told me all about Gulfport activism, and her work in dementia awareness.
Oh, and thanks to The Conversant and Declan Gould for publishing an interview with me and Denise Leto about Waveform.
And there have been winding, unfolding gifts in the form of suggestion and introductions. Another new friend i met through interesting channels connected me to sexological bodyworkers in the area, which then connected me back to people in this realm (mutual friends, they all turned out to be, on Facebook...)--people who I had wanted to talk to before I left CA. Now that part of my art and practice is growing in the light in a way I did not think was possible in Florida. Oh yeah, and there is this somatic psychotherapist I met who sees into my love for the color coral.