Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mazzaro's Bada Bing pre-Black Friday

Mazzaro's Italian Market with Jon Ciro and Danny DiPietra--photos grazie to Jovani "the piggy" Glove. Much agita over the crowds around the chianti and the tuna filets in olive oil and oregano.

on Twitter

, where this blog lives now. because it can be read and posted to through that app, one-handed, on my back, by a body of water, or in the cool olive green light above my mattress. This is articulation my spine had not dreamed of before.

My blog lived on Tumblr for a minute

because it is so much easier to access from my phone. fallinginrealtime.tumblr This is the feed. No, I don't like it. I can't add another virtual box. I'll make due with Twitter.

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