Photo with the Olimpias Collective, doing a social practice piece at
People's Park that included ways to enable dancing for different bodies,
conglomerate holding that became dances, energy work and more. Mara (who i had just met) is acting
as a body pillow for me, so i am tucked away from the camera. the whole thing
was like being an anemone in a sea of dancers and artists playing with touch
and improv and other collaged elements. Neil said, "This is the future of medicine." Join us sometime.
Looking forward to reading at Small Press Traffic’s Endless
Summer event on June 16th with a slew of others and bbq. Here it is
also at Beast Crawl, with Kelsey Street, at the East Bay’s
answer to Litquake, which is cool, because I need new answers to the “geographics
I’ve pulled” in the last year.
It is July 7.