The above postcard advertises Marilee Talktington's one-woman show TRUCE. In it, a fierce-looking woman with bold make-up and bright red hair holds a folded white cane, tipped at angle, to the left of her cheek.
Marilee uses the white cane as this remarkable–sometimes funny, sometimes angry, sometimes sensual –prop in very specific ways. I think it is important for the sighted community AND visually impaired community to see this symbol of vision loss used in so many fluid, inventive ways. Also, all of the action in the play happens behind a gauzy scrim–so for sighted play-goers, the experience is one of blurred vision. Brilliant!
The show will be held over for an extra weekend, April 9 and 10th if people are interested in audio description. Check out www.lighthouse-sf.org for details.