Friday, January 8, 2010

Ohmn nom nom

Zombie folk rock meets Office Space. Jonathan Coulton's zombies stagger around a mall, but I prefer to think of it as an airport.

This has inspired a part II to the emo poem I wrote when K and I first met. Now, five years into the relationship, it's all about the undead. Here's part of it:

After 1

Remove contact
cataract night glasses

K’s mouth
is just a black
hole in his face

dream I ate his brain
and our fight
diffused by morning

4686868 bytes transmitted in
58 seconds our brain,
the cat puts a parasite in

so we love him more, suffer
the rug with litter and
his gastric juices

Shadow, the oldest cat K brought
to our cohabitance and a corpse
already under the floorboard

heart heart
burrow in
become zero

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, where this blog lives now. because it can be read and posted to through that app, one-handed, on my back, by a body of water, or in the cool olive green light above my mattress. This is articulation my spine had not dreamed of before.

My blog lived on Tumblr for a minute

because it is so much easier to access from my phone. fallinginrealtime.tumblr This is the feed. No, I don't like it. I can't add another virtual box. I'll make due with Twitter.

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