Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yerba Buena, sharp and clear yesterday, throwing off colors from its faceted corners. Pictured above--Axis doing their tech rehearsal for this year's performance of site-specific find way to fall (i couldn't do it this year, what with the consumption i had and the move to Berkles, but hope for next--oh, and congrats to Son and Rodney for their approaching Hollywood debut!)  Co-peer counselor/disability advocate Derek Zarda brought  ILRCSF youth group out to picnic and watch the rehearsal. Upper right hand corner, ILRCSF board member Sam and Phred, my hilarious intern. Phred gets lots of things done in the office when she is around on Fridays. When Phred is around on Fridays, I stop getting lots of things done and just start laughing.

on Twitter

, where this blog lives now. because it can be read and posted to through that app, one-handed, on my back, by a body of water, or in the cool olive green light above my mattress. This is articulation my spine had not dreamed of before.

My blog lived on Tumblr for a minute

because it is so much easier to access from my phone. fallinginrealtime.tumblr This is the feed. No, I don't like it. I can't add another virtual box. I'll make due with Twitter.

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