Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bhanu Kapil meets the Nonsite Collective Poetics and Disability Thread

Start: 09/20/2008 - 15:00
End: 09/20/2008 - 17:30
Timezone: Etc/GMT-7
For those of you in the Bay Area:

As part of the Nonsite Collective's "Poetics of Disablement" curriculum, Bhanu Kapil will facilitate a discussion around a short selection from Elizabeth Grosz's *Chaos, Territory, Art,* attached as a pdf below.

Saturday September 20, at 3 pm
935 Natoma,
between 10th and 11th, and between Mission and Howard
Close to Van Ness and Market (Muni)
or Civic Center BART
For information regarding wheelchair accessibility, please contact rob[dot]halpern[at]gmail[dot]com.
About her approach, Bhanu writes:

<< I've been reading Elizabeth Grosz on sensation and futurity: "There is an involuted and oblique relation between the energies of sexual selection...the attraction to and possible attainment of sexual (though not necessarily copulative) partners -- human and otherwise -- and the forces and energies of artistic production and consumption" (from *Chaos, Territory, Art*). That the intensity felt in a body is part of what allows it to extend into a territory or cross between domains - - acts of pleasure, acts of sexual selection, as analogous to the process of making transgressive works of art. Not sure. Am thinking about immigrant bodies, refugee bodies, bodies made hybrid by divergence on a continuum from prosaic (the South-Asian grad student) to traumatic. Have been thinking about numbness, about hyper-vigilance, about what happens to the flow of "energies of sexual selection" in a body that's at the limit of possible sensations. This as depending too on class status. On how desirability is worked out in the port of arrival. My question, then, for writers/artists working through a poetics of disablement -- towards hybrid works, in particular -- is there any language we can think through together, about the experience of hybridity/fusion in the body -- and how might this affect our transgressive relationships to the space of the book, the territory of document, our ability to attain the kind of couplings/intensifications/resonant physical gestures that further the limit of what a book is? I feel as if there is another kind of book I am only beginning to imagine. What about you? I didn't meet you yet. Other aims: I'd like to ask Amber Di Pietra to say more about the hybrid body as "compacted." >>

Attachment Size
grosz.pdf 939.99 KB

To view the Grosz PDF and to read more about Nonsite's discussions on poetics and disability visit

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