The 1,850-foot pier is built over clay, sand, and mud, but considerable material has built up under it over the years. As a result, a great number of different species of fish have been caught here. Department of Fish and Game studies showed more than 45 species of fish caught at the pier in a single year. The vast majority of the fish that are caught are the old standbys for this area: white croaker, walleye and silver surfperch, striped seaperch, black seaperch, white seaperch, pileperch, shinerperch, jacksmelt, Pacific tomcod, sand sole, Pacific sanddabs, starry flounder, English sole, California halibut, brown rockfish, black rockfish, striped bass, brown smoothhound sharks, leopard sharks, California skates, big skates and bat rays
1 comment:
Bat rays! Leopard sharks! All we gots is crawdads.
These pictures have been inspiring me to take a long walk since you first posted them, but it will not stop raining. Last night it stopped for a while and the sky turned pink and there was a rainbow.
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